CA: 4Y6Nhr59goxmWWifP7Asb86EgsWBgHLeGPjtnkN6UWJY

The Millennial Manifesto

We are the disgruntled generation that was raised with the false promise that if you stick to intermittent fasting keto, daily cold plunges, dopamine detoxes, get sunlight, do crossfit, quit jerking off, meditate to Joe Rogan, backpack to Bali, all the while grinding at work like a slave, you will reach spiritual, financial, and sexual nirvana.

Instead, 60% of us can’t afford to buy a house, don’t have a long-term partner

(Chlamydia doesn’t count), and are clinically lost.

Today, we harness the power of Andrew HOOBerman, Joe Rogan, and all of our prophets,

so that we can profit for once in our lives.

Get $HOOBER or die a lonely beta-cuck.

Millenials before $HOOBER

Millenials after $HOOBER